Modern India is looking for ancient India for solution.Techies,weighted down by their 24/7 life style,are increasingly turning to Ayurveda to get rid of back pain migraine,fatigue. Sniffing this trend ,a medical team headed by Dr. L. mahadevan of Chennai,decided to do a study on the disease affecting techies.The study conducted by seven ayurveda doctors from Chennai and kerala will be submitted to AYUSH(the department of ayurveda,yoga and naturopathy,)"I always believe that ayurveda has fewer side effect,than other system,says Rajesh p. who works for an IT company in Banglore.The study investigated 150 techies in Chennai and Banglore.Many suffered from back and neck pain besides chronic fatigue.Doctors suggested detoxifying the body once inj three months,meditation,surya namaskar,regular exercise,anti oxidants,low calorie and high fibre foods,at least three litre of water daily and stretching exercise every hour."It's upto individuals to go for ayurveda.But the treatment is on the upswing,says Christina R,a software engineer. SOURCE:---- TIMES OF INDIA MUMBAI